Acoustic Calibration

A sound level meter is a device used to measure the intensity or level of sound in an environment. It typically displays sound levels in decibels (dB). It is used in occupational health and safety, environmental monitoring, and acoustic analysis (sound insulation). Calibration of sound level meters is performed according to the IEC 61672-3: 2013 (Electroacoustics – Sound Level Meters Periodic Tests) standard. The calibration results for Type 1 and Type 2 sound level meters, as specified in IEC 61672-1: 2013 (Electroacoustics – Sound Level Meters – Specifications), ensure that the sound level meter complies with the type it was manufactured.

Our laboratory provides calibration services at sound levels of 94 dB, 104 dB, and 114 dB in the frequency range of 31.5 Hz – 16 kHz.

A sound calibrator is a device used to ensure that sound level meters can make accurate and precise measurements. It is a device that produces a constant sound at a specific decibel level (dB) to ensure the calibration of sound level meters. The IEC 60942: 2017 (Electroacoustics – Sound Calibrators) standard defines the requirements related to the design, performance, and calibration of sound calibrators. Our laboratory performs the calibration of these devices using a WS2 type microphone.

A noise dose meter is a device used to measure the noise level exposure in an environment over a specific time period. It measures noise levels in decibels and/or dose units. Like sound level meters, it is used in occupational health and safety, environmental monitoring, construction and engineering, and acoustic analysis (sound insulation). The compliance of noise dose meters with the IEC 61252: 1997 (Electroacoustics – Specifications for Personal Sound Exposure Meters) standard is determined by calibration using comparative methods.

Our laboratory performs calibration of noise dose meters in the frequency range of 31.5 Hz – 16 kHz at dose levels of 0% - 600%.

Acoustic calibration services are provided in a laboratory environment.

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